Lugar Statement on Balanced Budget Amendment


Date: June 29, 2011

Senator Dick Lugar today joined with all Senate Republicans to once again voice support for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution and request a floor vote in the near future. Lugar's statement is below.

"I have supported and even offered balanced budget amendments to the Constitution since my first term in office. In March of 1995, the Senate was only one vote shy of passing this amendment. Since that time, nearly $10 trillion has been added to our national debt. In fact, we are headed toward a third straight year of trillion dollar deficits. It is critical that we act to cut spending now. Passing a balanced budget amendment would improve our long-term economic security.I am proud to join my fellow Republicans in the Senate incosponsoring the balanced budget amendment (S.Res.10) and urge Senate leadership to schedule a floor vote in the near future."
